The Programmer's Heaven C# School book covers the .NET framework and the C# language. Starting with the basics of the language, it goes on to cover object oriented programming techniques and a wide range of C# languages features including interfaces, exceptions and delegates. Later chapters cover practical topics including database access with ADO.NET, building Windows forms applications, multi-threading and asynchronous I/O. The final chapter covers new features in C# 2.0, including generics.


* Introduction
* C# Language Fundamentals
* Classes and Objects
* Inheritance & Polymorphism
* Structures, Enumeration, Garbage Collection & Nested Classes
* Abstract Classes & Interfaces
* Arrays, Collections & String Manipulation
* Exception Handling
* Delegates & Events
* WinForms & Windows Applications
* More Windows Controls & Standard Dialog Boxes
* Data Access using ADO.Net
* Multithreading
* The File System & Streams
* New Features In C# 2.0